Maxwell Aboagye, who sells shoes at Tema Station and Market Lorry Park, is a member of the Tema Station Traders. Formerly, Tema Station was only a depot for trotros, local minibuses that operate on select routes throughout the city. In time, street vendors came to the area wanting to sell their goods. Maxwell explains that it was through negotiations and agreements with the transport operators here that market stall vendors like himself are able to operate here. "The drivers allowed us to come becuase we support them and their passengers. When the passengers arrive here, they just buy [our products] and go back to the transport vehicles." Now, Tema Station is both a marjor depot as well as a market area. It is on the basis of the transport operators' approval that the AMA allows the market vendors to stay there. Maxwell has traded at Tema station for over than 15 years, first in secondhand shoes and now in selling shoes imported from China, which he purchases wholseale and then resells to the public. "You cannot say this place is not good," he says. "Our work here has enabled many of us to put our children through school.". FULLY RELEASED - CONSENT NUMBER: ACC011
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Accra, Ghana
Date Captured
August 11, 2015
Photo Credit
Jonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment