Brittany Brooks, MD, speaks with a patient during a routine visit at Open Arms Healthcare Center. Open Arms addresses the alarming rates of adult and childhood obesity, new HIV infections and AIDS cases in African-American gay and bisexual men and heterosexual women, and other chronic and infectious diseases among underserved populations in Mississippi. It is home to specialized/holistic care with an emphasis on HIV/AIDS and LGBTQ+ healthcare. The clinic is supported by My Brother's Keeper (MBK), an organization dedicated to reducing health disparities throughout the United States. MBK enhances the health and well-being of minority and marginalized populations through leadership and collaboration with the public and with community healthcare practices.LPN Theresa Dudley-Hayes checks her patient's vitals at Open Arms Healthcare Center. Open Arms addresses the alarming rates of adult and childhood obesity, new HIV infections and AIDS cases in African-American gay and bisexual men and heterosexual women, and other chronic and infectious diseases among underserved populations in Mississippi. It is home to specialized/holistic care with an emphasis on HIV/AIDS and LGBTQ+ healthcare. The clinic is supported by My Brother's Keeper (MBK), an organization dedicated to reducing health disparities throughout the United States. MBK enhances the health and well-being of minority and marginalized populations through leadership and collaboration with the public and with community healthcare practices.
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Jackson, Mississppi, United States
Date Captured
January 22, 2018
Photo Credit
Nina Robinson/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment