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Images of Empowerment


Aurora Tom-Quinn is a health educator for the Institute of Women Ethnic Studies (IWES). IWES was formed to improve the physical, mental, and spiritual health and quality of life of women of color and their families, particularly among those who are socio-economically disadvantaged. It uses the Social Ecological Model (SEM), which considers the complex interplay between individual, interpersonal, community, and societal factors, and recognizes that individual behavior is shaped by and contributes to the context in which people live. Through this in-depth, multi-dimensional approach, IWES creates culturally proficient programs, activities, and research to address and advocate for the emotional and physical well-being, resilience, and capacity of women of color, their families, and communities to heal and create sustainable change.


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New Orleans, Louisiana, United States

Photo Credit

Nina Robinson/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

