Amado Ortiz Lozada sorts and collates inserts for newspapers at dawn. He is a newspaper vendor and his organization is affiliated to the National Federation of Newspaper, Magazines and Lottery Vendors (Federación Nacional de Vendedores de Diarios, Revistas y Loterías del Perú, FENVENDRELP). Newspaper vendors are exposed to extreme weather conditions and work very long hours and are exposed to the chemicals in the inks, which make them prone to respiratory and other types of diseases. Despite having a publicly-funded entity in charge of providing health services for these workers, as stipulated in the law, the administration of this entity is not formed by the workers nor responds to them, hence is not properly managed. FENVENDRELP is currently seeking the destitution of the board of the entity. . Special Instructions - Full release: all subjects signed our form of model release MRLIMA-026
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